
Merlot Brjač

With the selection of grapes, produced only at the best vintages and hand-picked only at the ideal phenolic ripeness of the grapes, Merlot Brjač is a wine that can only be discussed in superlatives. The wine is ruby ​​red in color with a very intense ripe bouquet, in which we can find the aromas of chocolate, vanilla, red fruit jam, tobacco.... On the palate the wine feels very rich and full bodied with velvety tannins, round and very warm and with a very rich, prolonged and intense departure in the mouth. The wine was in contact with the grape skins for at least 4 weeks ( at 28 ° C) then matured for at least 3-4 years in 500l oak barrels and afterthat left to rest for another year in the bottle before coming to market.
Redna cena: 55.00 € z DDV
Wine Type:
Rdeče meso
Wine Style:
Full Bodied Red
Grape variety:
Sugar level:
Winery Position:
Wine Region:
Goriška Brda

Free delivery above 50€
Free pickup in store


Where the last rays of the sun touch the earth in the evening, in the extreme west of the Goriške Brd, in the small village of Neblo, where Slovenia borders Italy, lies a family farm, where generations of the Zanut family preserve the noble skill of the mysterious creation of a noble drop.
Each wine has its own character, each one has its own story, but all of them, without exception, carry a message about the people who care for them and the region from which they originate. About the vines, about the marshy earth that nourishes them, the hot sun that caresses them and the wind: the warm...
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