Mavrič Jožko

From Šlovrenec in the Goriška bdy Mountains. It was nurtured for many months in a vaulted stone cellar. It is accessed through a grand portico, where for centuries we have been transporting white and red grapes from the sunny vineyards. Just a stone's throw away is the village square, past which we pass the rectory and the parish olive grove, and up the wide steps to the Church of St Lawrence. All around, the vineyards are bathed in sunshine. The song of the starlings draws the strength of the Mediterranean summer.

Where are the vineyards where the wine is made?
They are spread over 20 hectares around Šlovrenec. The land reflects tradition, age and all the wisdom of centuries, and is therefore specially selected for each wine variety. The vineyards are youthful and modern. This is the key to quality harvests and top quality wine.

We produce about 70% white and 30% red varieties.

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